Video you stepped d+a 2014 Trailer/ 'By the Reflecting Pool' Scrapple from the Apple "By the Reflecting Pool", by Leah Muir, David Friedman, Vibraphone Somwhere over the rainbow Jacek Pelc International Edition Quartet, featuring David Friedman, Vibraphone. "Seresta" David Friedman and Rob Waring Hand Independence DavidFriedman&PeterWeniger at the Paris Conservatory David Friedman "Darn that Dream" Giant Steps David Friedman/Peter Weniger's "Duo Èlegance" performs "So In Love" David Friedman/Peter Weniger's "Duo Èlegance" plays "Body And Soul". David Friedman/Peter Weniger,"Seresta David Friedman/Peter Weniger "Duo Elegance" Hamburg Birdland "O' Grande Amor David Friedman/Peter Weniger Duo Elegance " Newborn" by P. Weniger, Birdland David Friedman/Peter Weniger Duo "The Boy Next Door - If I Were A Bell." David Friedman, Peter Weniger "Duo Elegance" Blue Note, Hamburg David Friedman musical profile Wrong Note Tango320x240 O grande amor320x240 Judy Niemack's Singers' 'class Peter Weniger Warming Up Lunch with Pancho Villa, by David Friedman David Friedman, Dave Samuels "Double Image" Moment to Moment David Friedman Yamaha Vibe Demo